
Our Approach

Our customized approach to your home buying and selling process will make you feel both important and listened to. I don't believe in a one size fits all solution nor hiding behind the reputation of a company. Good old fashioned hard work is what you will find separates us from the rest. We feel this is even more important today where "Silicon Valley" has decided that a computer can sell your home better than a real life person, which we now see can't be further from the truth! Just look at what happend to ex-CEO of Zillow, Spencer Rascoff.

Our Story

Work and family life balance is so important in today's run run, go go go lifestyle. Steven's career in real estate didn't happen because of careful planning and a desire to sell houses from a young kid and following in the family footsteps like so many REALTORSĀ® do. In fact, his career started in real estate technology where Steven helped form the foundation of today's real estate websites and search features.

From there, Steven was recruited to many different independent real estate brokerages to help them better their company and distance themselves from the competition utilizing technology in real estate. From lead generation to attracting buyers from all over the world, Steven helped transform real estate into the 21st century.

From there, Steven went on to his next challenge, helping the common person understand retirement planning through an elementary school approach. In fact, he did so well helping others plan for their retirement, Steven's clients naturally started to have him help them with real estate investments and strategies to broaden their portfolios.

Fast forward 7 years, and Steven had built himself not only a lucrative financial services company, but a company that required him to travel 5 days a week and work around the clock. This of course made him miss the family and the family life balance fell a part. For years, Steven traveled up and down California's coast to over 300 public school districts and their campuses to help educators learn more about their retirement options.

It wasn't until Raena, his middle daughter, at the age of 10, had a brain aneurysm that made him realize it was time to slow down and pay attention to his family.

As Steven sat by his daughter's hospital bedside, he was forced to figure out what was most important to him, family or fortune. A few years ago, he already went through a tumultuous divorce due to never being home, and now his relationship with his own daughter was at stake. After a long careful reflection, (one and a half years long), it was then that he started The Chow Group, a company that is dedicated to helping out families stay together and find a place to call home!

Steven now works in his own backyard and only travels when it is for vacation fun with his 3 daughters. educators, just in his own backyard. Today, Steven and his team stay focused on educating people on how to buy and sell real estate for a place to call home or an investment.

Happily, Steven's daughter is recovering nicely and continues to get better as she works her way through therapy.

Next Steps...

Schedule your appointment to learn about how TheChowGroup can help you buy or sell your home today!